'Aerodynamically, the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that, so it goes on flying anyway.' Mary Kay Ash
Were you ever told that you wouldn't do well at something? Did you internalise that, resulting in it becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy? What if you were never told that? What if you never thought that? What if you were told the opposite? What if you believed the opposite? For example, imagine a child being labelled (by themself or another) as 'not very sporty'. That child would be unlikely to volunteer to play football or take up running, because it's in their head that they're not very sporty. They might happily go on with this for their whole life, having never stopped to find out if it was actually true. What do you say about yourself? What are you good at, what are you not good at? Is the latter actually true, or is it something that was just said as a passing comment to you, a long time ago? Do you see the power of mental limitations we have (put) upon ourselves? The bumblebee just gets on with what it wants to do, without thinking of the fact that it shouldn't actually be able to do it... If you need help breaking free from limiting beliefs, get in touch as I have just the techniques for you...! Imagine how you could be? [email protected] www.edenwellness.ie #limitingbeliefs #marykayash #unsplash #bumblebee #breakfree #yesican #yesiam #selffulfillingprophecy #hypnosis #hypnotherapy #bwrt